Useful info
Ministry for Regional Development
The Ministry for Regional Development is a central government authority of the Czech Republic in the matters of regional and housing policy, spatial planning, building rules, public investment and tourism. In addition to the above the Ministry for Regional Development administers financial means intended for the development of regions, housing stock and tourism in the Czech Republic.
The Ministry also realises regional and structural policy of the European Union, the so-called policy of economic and social cohesion. With the assistance of funding, it stimulates the development of weaker regions so that they do not lag behind the European average. These objectives are fulfilled in practice with help from structural funds.
The Ministry for Regional Development – the National Coordination Authority provides a single framework for all operational programmes in the Czech Republic financed from Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund. The management of individual operational programmes is the sphere of authority of relevant resort ministries. Apart from its national coordination role, the Ministry for Regional Development also functions as the direct governing body responsible for their successful drawing.
Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj
Staroměstské náměstí 6, 110 15 Praha 1
Phone: +420 224 861 111
More information at
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a central body of the State Administration of the Czech Republic responsible for formulating foreign policy and the protection of the interests of the Czech Republic and its citizens abroad. It competence is defined in § 6 of Act No. 2/1969 Coll.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also operates diplomatic missions abroad, including embassies, consulates and delegations to international organisations. Mainly through this network the Czech Republic promotes its economic and commercial interests abroad and enhances the general awareness of the production and investment potential of the Czech economy.
Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí
Loretánské náměstí 101/5, 118 00 Praha 1
Phone: +420 224 181 111
Detailed information about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and its role in economic diplomacy and export-promoting activities is available at the following websites:,,
Ministry of Industry and Trade
The Ministry of Industry and Trade is the central body of state administration for the economic and commercial policy, the affairs of small and medium-sized enterprises, the energy and raw material policy of the state, and co-ordination of the Czech Republic’s foreign trade policy in relation to the different countries and in support for export, for electronic communication and postal services.
Organisations directly managed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (as of 1 January 2010):
Czech Trade Inspection * Assay Office * Office for Technical Standardisation, Metrology, and State Quality Control * State Energy Inspection * Czech Office for Weapons and Ammunition Testing * Investment and Business Development Agency CzechInvest * Czech Trade Promotion Agency CzechTrade * Czech Metrology Institute * State Research Institute for Material * Ministry of Industry and Trade Services Administration.
Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
Na Františku 32, 110 15 Praha 1
Phone: +420 224 851 111
Politických vězňů 20, 112 49 Praha 1
Phone: +420 224 851 111
More information at:
Confederation of Employers' and Entrepreneurs' Associations of the Czech Republic
The Confederation of Employers‘ and Entrepreneurs‘ Associations of the Czech Republic (Konfederace zaměstnavatelských a podnikatelských svazů – KZPS) is an open, independent, special-interest association established according to Act No. 83/90 Coll., on association of citizens:
it unites seven representatives of employer unions in the fields of construction industry, textile industry, small and medium-sized businesses, cooperatives, agriculture, mining and oil industry, wood processing industry, education, health care, culture and social services;
it represents 23 000 member bodies with over 745 000 employees;
it supports the promotion of specific interests of its members in the legislative field and in other areas;
it formulates common business and employer interests of its members and promotes them in cooperation with relevant state authorities, other employers’ organisations and trade unions and especially in various forms by consulting the government;
it is one of the social partners representing the side of entrepreneurs in the Council of Economic and Social Agreement (Tripartite).
KZPS’s members:
* Association of Textile, Leather and Clothing Industry
* Cooperative Association of the Czech Republic – through the Union of Czech and Moravian Producer Cooperatives
* Syndicate of Businesspeople and Tradespeople of the Czech Republic
* Association of Entrepreneurs in Building Industries in the Czech Republic
* Union of Employers‘ Associations of the Czech Republic
* Employers’ Association of Mining and Oil Industry
* Agricultural Association of the Czech Republic
Konfederace zaměstnavatelských a podnikatelských svazů ČR
Václavské náměstí 21, 113 60 Praha 1
Phone: +420 222 324 985
More information about the Confederation of Employers‘ and Entrepreneurs‘ Associations of the Czech Republic and about KZPS’s members at (in Czech)
Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic
It is a voluntary, non-political and non-governmental organisation that brings together employers and entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic. It is the largest alliance of employers and represents a predominate part of industry in the Czech Republic. It represents 1500 member subjects which employ 800 000 employees.
Its mission is to participate in shaping the Czech Republic’s economic and social policy and represent and promote common interests of its members in order to create optimum business environment.
It promotes and defends the interests of its members in the Council for Economic and Social Agreement (Tripartite) which represents the platform for negotiations between the Government, employers and trade unions. It organises the establishment of trade and economic relations between Czech and foreign entities by means of trade missions, conferences, bilateral and multilateral negotiations and through the participation of its members in trade fairs, exhibitions and professional seminars.
It is a co-founder of the Czech Business Representation in Brussels (CEBRE), of the Czech Management Association, of the Institute of the Confederation of Industry and of the Business Platform for Foreign Development Cooperation.
It is a member of significant European and international organisations of employers and entrepreneurs – BUSINESSEUROPE, IOE, BIAC.
Svaz průmyslu a dopravy České republiky
Freyova 948/11, 190 05 Praha 9 – Vysočany
Phone: +420 225 279 11
More information about the Confederation of Industry and about industry and professional associations can be found at
Czech Centres
Our mission is to foster international co-operation, partnership, and dialogue between the general public and the professional sphere. We focus on co-creating an attractive image of the Czech Republic as a modern and dynamic country in the areas of culture and tourism while supporting external economic relations. Currently there are 24 Czech Centres in 21 countries on three continents. Czech Centres is an independent organization funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
In every area of our activities, Czech Centres present the best of Czech traditions while promoting the contemporary trends which emphasise the creative potential of the Czech Republic.
In the area of external economic relations, Czech Centres offer services, such as organisation of presentations and meetings of Czech organisations with foreign partners. We are a liaison for information and enquiry services. Czech Centre – Czech House Moscow offers an extensive range of services – the Moscow Business Centre provides accommodation (rooms, apartments, offices, garage parking) as well as catering services.
For additional information and specific services, please enquire directly to your local Czech Centre.
Česká centra
Václavské nám. 816/49
110 00 Praha 1
Phone: +420-234 668 211
More information on Czech Centres and Czech Centres abroad at,
Czech Chamber of Commerce
The Czech Chamber of Commerce is charged by law to pursue and protect the interests of the entrepreneurial public, ensure its needs and support its development. It is formed by a regional network of chambers, bodies, and professional and trade associations on a national scale. Its broad membership base thus can use specific services, including international support events and programmes.
The Czech Chamber of Commerce provides for its members and non-members services commensurate with the standards of chambers of commerce in other EU states:
Organisation of international and bilateral company contact events (outgoing and incoming missions).
Organisation of entrepreneurial missions accompanying state representatives of the Czech Republic during their official visits to foreign countries.
Visitor missions of entrepreneurs on the occasion of official participations of the Czech Republic at trade fairs and exhibitions in foreign countries.
Foreign investor missions for small and medium-sized Czech enterprises.
Mediation of contacts with partner chambers of commerce and other entrepreneurial institutions in foreign countries.
Provision of comprehensive services for foreign firms presenting themselves in the Czech Republic.
Organisation of seminars, workshops, business forums and similar events dealing with special subjects territorially oriented.
Participation in EU programmes and activities.
Hospodářská komora České republiky
Florentinum, Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Praha 1
Phone: +420 266 721 300
More information at
Czech Export Bank
Czech Export Bank is a specialised institution providing export-related financial services. The bank gained fifteen years experience in supporting some of the largest export transactions conducted by Czech exporters as well as export contracts for smaller projects and sub-deliveries. Today, the majority of the bank’s products are offered under favourable conditions to foreign buyers – partners of Czech exporters, who thus find Czech goods and services attractive not only in terms of their price and quality.
The bank focuses on offering a comprehensive range of products for the financing of exports. In addition to the financing of exports of goods and services, recently Czech Export Bank has progressed to see its role in the financing of construction works, especially infrastructure projects abroad. Furthermore, the bank offers a range of structured and project financing models. Czech investors are provided with favourable financing for their plans to build new production capacities abroad or for their plans to invest capital into foreign companies. Since last year the bank’s range of services was significantly expanded by the financing of export activities of small- and medium-sized enterprises.
Czech Export Bank
Vodičkova 34, 111 21 Praha 1
Phone: +420 222 843 216
More information at:
CzechInvest, the Investment and Business Development Agency
CzechInvest, the Investment and Business Development Agency, is a contributory organisation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. Its aim is to increase competitiveness of the Czech economy through support for small and medium-sized enterprises, business infrastructure and innovation. It attracts foreign investors in the fields of manufacturing industry, business support services or technology centres and it encourages Czech firms to further expand.
Within the framework of simplified communication between the state, businesses and the European Union, CzechInvest covers the entire area of business support in the manufacturing industry, from both EU resources and from the state budget.
CzechInvest promotes the Czech Republic abroad as an attractive destination for investments and is exclusively authorised to submit applications for investment incentives to the governing bodies. The agency also supports Czech firms that are interested in becoming involved in the supply chains of multinational companies. Through its services and development programmes, CzechInvest thus contributes to the development of domestic firms, Czech and foreign investors and the overall business environment.
All CzechInvest’s services are provided free of charge.
Štěpánská 15, 120 00 Praha 2
Phone: +420 727 850 330
More information
Czech National Bank
The Czech National Bank (CNB) is the central bank of the Czech Republic and the supervisor of the Czech financial market. It is established under the Constitution of the Czech Republic and carries out its activities in compliance with Act No. 6/1993 Coll., on the Czech National Bank and in compliance with other regulations.
The supreme governing body of the CNB is the Bank Board, consisting of the CNB Governor, two Vice-Governors and four Chief Executive Directors. All Bank Board members are appointed by the President of the Czech Republic for a six-year term.
Under Article 98 of the Constitution of the Czech Republic and Act No. 6/1993 Coll., on the Czech National Bank, as amended, the primary objective of the CNB is to maintain price stability. Achieving and maintaining price stability, i.e. creating a low-inflation environment in the economy, is the central bank’s ongoing contribution to the creation of conditions for sustainable economic growth. Central bank independence is a prerequisite for effective monetary instruments conducive to price stability.
In accordance with its primary objective, the CNB sets monetary policy, issues banknotes and coins and manages the circulation of currency, the payment system and settlement between banks. It also performs supervision of the banking sector, the capital market, the insurance industry, pension funds, credit unions and electronic money institutions, as well as foreign exchange supervision.
The CNB’s headquarters are in Prague. Seven regional branches are located in Prague, Ústí nad Labem, Plzeň, České Budějovice, Hradec Králové, Brno and Ostrava.
Česká národní banka
Na Příkopě 28, 115 03 Praha 1
Phone: +420 224 411 111
More information at: