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South Moravia

South Moravia ranks among the regions with a major economic potential. The created gross domestic
product of the Region accounts for one-tenth of the Czech Republic’s gross domestic product, its area
taking up 9% of the CR territory. The Region’s territory is divided into seven Districts (Blansko, Brno-
City, Brno-Country, Břeclav, Hodonín, Vyškov and Znojmo).

South Moravia Regional Development Agency – www.rrajm.cz
Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce – www.ohkbrno.cz
South Moravia Innovation Centre – www.jic.cz
South Moravia Regional Offi ce – www.kr-jihomoravsky.cz
Veletrhy Brno, a.s. – www.bvv.cz
Brno Business and Innovation Centre – www.bicbrno.cz
Technology Park Brno – www.technologypark.cz
Brno University of Technology – www.vutbr.cz
Representation of the South Moravia Region to EU – www.southern-moravia.eu
South Moravia Tourist Authority – www.jizni-morava.cz/

Full article you can find: https://issuu.com/ppagency/docs/db_aj_2015_web/109